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EMA2 Tour

19-22 November 2013

A tour of partner universities in Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine was jointly organized by several Erasmus Mundus Action 2 projects (HERMES, EMBER, WEBB, BACKIS, TEMPO, INFINITY). HERMES was represented by the co-coordinator, Tbilisi State University, and specifically Mrs. Tea Geregedava; Prof. Amalia Moser, of the University of Athens, who was to join the tour along with Mrs. Gergedava, was unable to attend due to sudden illness. The tour, intended to acquaint potential applicants with the projects and the grants on offer, seems to have met with great success. A full report by Mrs. Gergedava can be seen here. The HERMES co-ordinating institutions extend their warmest thanks to the local organizers and hope to have many interesting applications!